To give it a spin, I tried to program my own “Taking Off” command for my next vacation. Most of the major functions are easy to automate: Message, Twitter, Apple Music, Apple Pay, and a host of other apps can be programmed into Siri Commands. Once you get a sense of what’s possible, it gets easier to think about incorporate shortcuts into your own routine. iOS 12 Shortcuts: How to Make Your Own Shortcuts

You can pretty much turn Siri into a wing-woman, but creating these shortcuts requires a mix of creativity and experimentation.

And who can forget “ sexy time” mode? That shortcut will set the mood by turning on Do Not Disturb, dimming you room lights using HomeKit, and begin playing romantic music. Reddit-users have even discovered how to make Siri do things weren’t possible before iOS 12, like count down the days until the debut of Infinity War Part 2. Switch on your flashlight with a Harry Potter spell.